Educational assistance in the rual area

On May 20, 2023, Kinder Paradise started a new project called “Education Assistance in Rural Areas”. It takes place in the Ningo-Prampram district. This project aims to provide school supplies for students who live with their parents or guardians in rural areas so that they can continue to attend school. We became aware of their situation when we learned that some schools in the district did not even have desks and chairs for their students. That is why we decided to provide the students with the basic necessities.
We set out to support 50 students, and bring their guardians on board. All parents were educated about child protection issues. The UNICEF child protection tool kit was used for this purpose. The goal is to educate parents on best parenting practices and work towards implementing child rights in the district. The children were also taught regarding their rights and responsibilities. This outreach was very interesting, especially because parents and children participated animatedly in the discussions. They were grateful to Kinder Paradise for the intervention.
Following the discussion, each child received a package of school supplies consisting of a school bag, notebooks, assignment books, compasses boxes and writing utensils.

1 Comment

  • Hannah

    Reply June 15, 2023 8:56 am

    Great job guys

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